MaslowCNC frame size vs effective area.

This simulation takes 3 factors into account, namely:

  • the maximum angle between two arms, with one upright in between

    Assuming each angle between the arms has the same maximum. The greater the maximum angle, the greater the workable area. The inaccessible (hatched) area is formed by a curve of which every point on the curve has the maximum angle (it's a circular curve).

  • the maximum length of an arm

    If the width or height of the frame is more than the arm/belt length, then a second limiting factor comes into play. For each corner, a circular boundary is / becomes visible.
    With the default recommended frame size, this factor is not an issue.

  • the minimum angle between two arms, with two uprights in between

    Assuming each angle between the arms, with two uprights in between, has the same minimum.

With specified dimensions, the model simulates the workable area for the router.

Net: 2160.6 x 1328.6
Location: [1524,1219]

Frame: 3048 x 2438
Arm/belt length: 3962 mm
Arm length top-left: 1951.5
Arm length top-right: 1951.5
Arm length bottom-right: 1951.5
Arm length bottom-left: 1951.5

Max arm angle: 140°
Angle right: 77.3
Angle top: 102.7
Angle left: 77.3
Angle bottom: 102.7

Min arm angle: 130°
Angle top-left: 180
Angle top-right: 180
Angle bottom-right: 180
Angle bottom-left: 180

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